Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia Mother’s Day weekend is here. Y’all, may I be completely honest? I have about five rough drafts of blogs I’ve meant to put out and have not. The constraints of work and some dear losses in my life have put me in a dip of sorts. As this particular day, Mother’s Day comesContinue reading “Mamma Mia”

Signing on the dotted line

To start talking about signing, I have to go back in time to tell you how it all started. It has been a good two years that I have been speaking into a digital voice recorder and typing away editing at some of the most intimate thoughts in my head. If I had told youContinue reading “Signing on the dotted line”

Power To Speak Up

I am so excited to share with you the reason why I titled this blog post Power to Speak Up. I have always said that Proverbs ended in a bang with Chapter 31. One specific verse that is so dear to my heart is verse 8.  The King James Version (KJV) reads, “Open thy mouthContinue reading “Power To Speak Up”