Look at What the Lord Has Done

The new year of 2023 is hours away. Is everyone excited or dreading the pressures of a new year’s expectations? I have celebrated over 40 years of being aware of the cause for celebration. Every year for me, brings the excitement of turning the page in life. It’s like a “reset” button. You have newContinue reading “Look at What the Lord Has Done”

Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia Mother’s Day weekend is here. Y’all, may I be completely honest? I have about five rough drafts of blogs I’ve meant to put out and have not. The constraints of work and some dear losses in my life have put me in a dip of sorts. As this particular day, Mother’s Day comesContinue reading “Mamma Mia”

Signing on the dotted line

To start talking about signing, I have to go back in time to tell you how it all started. It has been a good two years that I have been speaking into a digital voice recorder and typing away editing at some of the most intimate thoughts in my head. If I had told youContinue reading “Signing on the dotted line”

Live Life

This blog is long overdue.  This is my third blog since I have started blogging this year.  It may also be one of my hardest blogs to write because it is too personal.  But when I started this blogging venture, I made a promise to myself to be honest and faithful to the purpose of it.  Have youContinue reading “Live Life”