Look at What the Lord Has Done

The new year of 2023 is hours away. Is everyone excited or dreading the pressures of a new year’s expectations? I have celebrated over 40 years of being aware of the cause for celebration. Every year for me, brings the excitement of turning the page in life. It’s like a “reset” button. You have newContinue reading “Look at What the Lord Has Done”

Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia Mother’s Day weekend is here. Y’all, may I be completely honest? I have about five rough drafts of blogs I’ve meant to put out and have not. The constraints of work and some dear losses in my life have put me in a dip of sorts. As this particular day, Mother’s Day comesContinue reading “Mamma Mia”

Cooking for the first time on Thanksgiving Day

I must start by saying that I have a new and deep respect for every person who cooks for Thanksgiving Day. I never really knew all that it entailed. All the planning, buying, and extra things one must do to make that day happen is a huge undertaking. Not one person may complete the taskContinue reading “Cooking for the first time on Thanksgiving Day”

Dear Mom

Like any other holiday, Mother’s Day is one of the days we can all gather together and celebrate the woman who gave us life.  Not only that, but a few of us can also celebrate the gift of giving life.  Whichever it may be, I celebrate you today.  There is a mother in each and every one ofContinue reading “Dear Mom”